Tech and Cybersecurity Insight: A Conversation With V. Venesulia, CEO of Vicar Group, LLC

The Vicar Group, LLC. is a U.S.- based, American operations, management and protocol consulting firm. Consulting for businesses, universities, government, military, and NGOs domestically and internationally. We’ve obtained an exclusive interview with V to learn about her intriguing and inspirational career as well as discover her insight into technology, cybersecurity, and more!

What’s going on in the professional life of V. Venesulia as of late?

V. Venesulia: I have a Newsmax column, Infosector with V. Venesulia where I explore a myriad of topics related to technology, military affairs and national security. I also own Vicar Group Omnimedia, a production company that produces my television show, Down to Business with V., to amplify messages and bring awareness to issues that impact the wider public. I still serve as CEO of Vicar Group LLC, an operations and management consulting firm for the federal government, businesses, universities, and individuals. Our cyber division covers emerging technology, artificial intelligence, GPT, the Metaverse, digital currencies, and other emerging technologies. We also have a Workforce Development Division and Leadership Development Division focused on cultivating an engaged and equipped workforce. I also mentor and serve on several boards of directors. It’s a busy but very fruitful time.

Last year, TechTarget.Com reported that there are 3% of Black women working in the tech industry. Why do you think there is a small percentage and why would you encourage more women of color to enter the technology industry?

V. Venesulia: I am not sure why there is such a small percentage of women of color working in the tech industry. However, I would encourage all people, regardless of gender or race, to pursue a career path they’re passionate about, love, and can really throw themselves fully into. Following career pursuits without a love or passion in the area increases the risk of work being drudgery. Burnout is significantly higher when working from a place that’s not your passion- even if you’re capable of the task. When you’re in a field you’re passionate about, the work itself can reinvigorate you and refresh you in a way that it doesn’t when you’re doing something driven by other factors.

I will add that any time there is diversity in any area, it lends to making better decision-making because you have multiple perspectives and insights that you would not have otherwise. When I say diversity, I’m not just referencing race or gender, but also age, skill set levels, tenure or time in grade, and even geographic locations. It makes a difference to have other viewpoints. Without them, there are concerns that you might overlook addressing otherwise.

Please share some insight on protective measures individuals and businesses can take against cyber criminals.

V. Venesulia: Some protective measures that can be taken against cybercriminals are ensuring that the entire workforce is educated on the latest fraud trends and threat vectors, conducting proper training on identifying those risks, and then teaching how to avoid them. Also, verify that there is a way to report suspicious activity accurately. Implementing a zero-trust policy, creating a culture of security, and using things like multi-factor authentication are also vital in mitigating fraud. Keeping a clear chain of communication and standard operating procedure anytime there’s money movement involved, as well as having multiple ways to authenticate transaction requests, is essential. I would say these are best practices for both individuals, families, and businesses.

We’re also extremely interested in learning about the latest topics surrounding banking, and finances. What new information should established and aspiring business owners learn about in the financial literacy world?

V. Venesulia: The financial world has the possibility of being changed by the adoption of cryptocurrency. Understanding what’s happening in that space, how it can impact payroll, incentives, and loyalty programs, as well as the risks associated with it is recommended. Also, knowing what’s happening in the headlines and understanding how malicious actors are using cryptocurrency is important. These currencies offer new ways of doing business, and conducting due diligence to find legitimate platforms and companies in the sector is critical if a company intends to embark on the use of digital currency in business.

Fiat currency has not changed as radically as the cryptocurrencies that have been introduced in the last few years. However, it’s the technology surrounding how we access fiat currency, transfer it, or make payments that has changed. Fintech will continue to evolve and impact the way we do business, how quickly we initiate transactions and the speed with which we can access funds.

There are also artificial intelligence impacts on the financial sector as financial institutions are using artificial intelligence to provide a higher level of customer service and customization. AI is helping to identify with better accuracy what the customer needs, how the customer is interfacing and interacting with the company, and then making offerings more intelligently to better serve the individual or business. We will see more advances in these areas as well.

With the many topics you consult and speak about, which topic has become the most important to you and why?

V. Venesulia: I published an article in my Newsmax column, Infosector with V. Venesulia, addressing the potential of deepfakes and how they will impact the public. The FBI released a public service announcement in June of 2023 warning that users of deep fake technology are creating explicit content, and the explicit content is being spread on the internet. Once the content is released, recalling or taking it down is more complicated. Many times this activity happens without the victim’s knowledge. We’re not just talking about explicit content being made of celebrities and politicians. We’re also talking about explicit content being made of everyday citizens.

That’s one of the significant concerns that I have as far as AI and technology go.

We know that deepfakes are driven by artificial intelligence technology and I’ve been watching this technology develop and seen use cases demonstrated since the early 2010s, observing it with the risks in mind. In my Newsmax article, Lawmakers Must Rush to Protect Us from Deepfakes, I mentioned how we saw deepfakes used in benign ways during a performance of American Idol. While the performance was amazing, I cringed inside. The benefit of the performance was that millions of Americans saw that the technology existed, how it’s used, and its true potential to create the appearance of someone doing and saying something they did not say or do. The caveat is that once it is known that the technology is available and what can be done with it, we have the potential for widespread use by people that don’t always move with the highest level of integrity or understand the implications of what they’re creating and how it will impact others.

Check out V’s column on Newsmax and be sure to also check out Down to Business with V!

Learn more about Vicar Group, LLC by visiting:

Follow on Instagram: @vvenesulia

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