20 Beauty Products to Prep Your Skin & Hair for Cold Weather

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Colder weather is quickly approaching, and it’s time to prep your skin and hair with beauty products for transition weather. The incoming winter months aren’t just a reminder to start swapping out your wardrobe — it’s time to swap out your skincare and haircare staples, too! Colder weather, brisk winds and lower humidity levels draw […] read on

Lynnecia S. Eley
Lynnecia S. Eley

Lynnecia S. Eley is Founder & Managing Editor of Soigne’ + Swank Magazine. She is a career-driven entrepreneur, wife, and mother. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, she is an award-winning University Assistant Dean and Adjunct Professor committed to excellence, dedication, and caring for others. Known as the Confidence Doula, Lynnecia is a best-selling & award-winning author and coach, a founder of Two Queens Media and Eta Rho Sigma Sorority, Inc. You can learn more about Lynnecia and her platforms at www.shecaninspire.com.

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