
A Sisterhood for Women In Business

Meet Gloria Ward

Dope Shots by Precious

Tell us about you and your business.

My name is Gloria Ward and I’m the founder and creator of The I’m Loving Me Project. Our whole goal is to create a sisterhood amongst women where we grow, heal, and build successful businesses

What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

I’ve been an Entrepreneur for 18 years now. The driving force was my freedom. I wanted the freedom to create, explore, and develop all the ideas in my head. I found out really fast that the only way to do that effectively is if I take the Entrepreneurship Leap.

Let’s talk about your work. Where did the concept of your business come from? What does your work aim to say or present to your audience?

 The inspiration for my work came from my own experiences in life. knowing what it takes to change your life, grow, and even heal is something that you really can’t do alone. I don’t think I would have made it this far without the support of others as well as mentors. If you want to survive as an entrepreneur, you’re going to need leverage, help, and support. There’s no way around it. That’s what my work is about. If you’re a woman and you want to start or have a thriving business, you have to get with a community of like-minded people and work with those mentors that can help you move forward. It’s a lot of work but it’s worth it.

Sometimes success is slow or doesn’t come so easily. Did you experience or have to overcome any challenges or barriers?

All the time. Business is never constant. Just like we have the seasons and cycles of life so goes with business. The key is to always know that when times are good, that’s your time to prepare because eventually, winter is coming.

At Soigne’ + Swank Magazine, we make it our business to highlight and promote positive, uplifting, and meaningful examples of black excellence. What does black excellence mean to you?

Black excellence to me is community, creativity, and love. Uplifting and supporting one another while learning from each other.

What advice would you give your younger self or an aspiring business owner with hopes of pursuing their passions?

The voice you have in your head about what you want to do and where you want to go is real. Step out of your comfort zone and go for it. If you’re out there already and you’re having a lot of challenges, there’s something you don’t know and you need to find someone who does or invests more in your craft to learn it.

What’s next for me is more giving, teaching, and training.

You can connect with me at imlovingme.net

TJ Brinkley
TJ Brinkley

Dr. Trenice J. Brinkley is a highly respected publicist and successful entrepreneur, renowned for her unyielding work ethic, strong determination, and philanthropic spirit. As an award-winning celebrity publicist, she is committed to helping brands craft compelling stories, creative strategies, and gain increased visibility.
