An Interview with Gerad “Jodye” Williams

With a new book currently #4 on Amazon, we want to introduce you to Gerad “Jodye” Williams, a teacher/coach, entrepreneur, and now author. We are excited to share his story and background in our “Inspiring the Culture” interview series. Let’s dig in…

Photo: Williams Commerce

S+S Magazine: Tell us a little about yourself.

Jodye: My name is Gerad Williams but some people call me Jodye. I’m originally from Lancaster, TX which is in Dallas County and later I moved to Marshall, TX which is in East Texas. Growing up I always knew I wanted more in life which has led to me becoming an entrepreneur. While I was in college I developed a niche for writing. I started to realize that it was something that I enjoyed doing. The older I got, the more I started to really realize that writing can turn into a full-time career. I started to see guys like Derrick Grace and Brother Polite develop a following using literature. I’ve always had a hustling mindset but I always wanted to develop that into a full-time business. Recently I did a publishing deal with the best publishing company in the world Williams Commerce. Ross Williams has done a fantastic job with my book “The Race” which is currently #4 on Amazon.

S+S Magazine: Growing up, who were your influencers?

Jodye: My big brother was my inspiration growing up. He always told me that I had the work ethic to become something great. It was just the matter of putting that work ethic into something great. Outside of my family, guys like James Prince, Percy Miller, Dame Dash, Malcolm X, and John Thompson all inspired me. All of those guys led by example and they were all about action.

S+S Magazine: About your book, what does it aim to say or present to readers?

Jodye: My book “The Race” will leave you speechless. My whole objective was to aim for the flaws in our community. Not in a shaming way, but a way that will leave you thinking about how we could fix things. I hope “The Race” will have everyone open up their eyes to see a brighter light.

S+S Magazine: Sometimes success is slow or doesn’t come so easily. Did you experience or have to overcome any challenges or barriers as a black artist or entrepreneur?

Jodye: Hell yea. I’ve been to war with myself time and time again. I’ve been rejected and let down many of times. Later on I learned to realize that challenges will always be a part of the process. Challenges come mentally, physically and financially. Sometimes you look up and all three of those things will come pounding down upon you. Also I had to learn that nothing happens over night. Frederick Douglas quote “If there’s no struggle, there’s no progress” has kept me going.

S+S Magazine: What advice would you give your younger self or other aspiring entrepreneurs with hopes of pursuing their passions?

Jodye: I would tell my younger self to wear a mouth guard because you will get punched in the face. Challenges will continue to punch you but you have to take those punches and continue swinging. Everything is an uphill fight. Anyone pursuing their passion I would tell them to focus on their flaws. Once you figure those out, you will start seeing success.

S+S Magazine: [laughter] I like that you said “wear a mouth guard”, because yes it won’t be easy but if you continue to push at it you can overcome and meet your purpose. Speaking of purpose, we make it our business to promote positive, uplifting, and meaningful examples of Black Excellence. What does Black Excellence mean to you?

Jodye: Black Excellence means everything to me. If it wasn’t for black excellence I wouldn’t be here trying to make my ancestors proud today. I love to see black families, black unity, black millionaires/billionaires, and anything else that proves black excellence.

S+S Magazine: What’s next for you and how/where can our readers connect with you?

Jodye: I plan on releasing another book in spring/summer. In order for me to stay relevant, I believe I have to continue putting out projects just like No Limit Records in ‘98. If you want to see more follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @bigjodye

Lynnecia S. Eley
Lynnecia S. Eley

Lynnecia S. Eley is Founder & Managing Editor of Soigne’ + Swank Magazine. She is a career-driven entrepreneur, wife, and mother. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, she is an award-winning University Assistant Dean and Adjunct Professor committed to excellence, dedication, and caring for others. Known as the Confidence Doula, Lynnecia is a best-selling & award-winning author and coach, a founder of Two Queens Media and Eta Rho Sigma Sorority, Inc. You can learn more about Lynnecia and her platforms at

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