
F.E.A.R. Keeps You Stuck, But the Ability to R.I.S.E. Gives You Power

As a Career Development Strategist, Coach, Author, & Podcast Host, Latika Vines empowers working mothers, in male-dominated industries, to lead and grow in their Careers while strengthening Organizations to retain them. Latika is a firm believer that everyone has a life, career, and/or business vision, and although that vision can get blurry and put on the backburner at times it must be picked back up and turned into an initiative (ACTION)! Learn more about Latika and her initiatives at www.visionary-initiatives.com.

In my early thirty’s, I became a working mother of 4 young girls in a male-dominated industry. I was told, on numerous occasions, that I wasn’t good enough for leadership positions because working moms focus on raising children rather than being successful in their positions or organizations. It was the farthest from the truth.

For many years, I endured those comments and name-calling in the workplace and didn’t know how to fight for what I wanted, which was to be respected as a hard-working Career Development Professional who is also a driven working mother. Colleagues would send me job postings, but I would ignore them because I started to believe and live a life based on the negative comments I received from leaders. But I was not happy with where I was, and I knew that there was more to what I was experiencing.

Have you experienced similar setbacks, disappointments, and hurt from the people you trust? Despite the negativity and setbacks, I was determined to accomplish great achievements in my career.

I had to shift my mindset so that I could achieve where I was going.

I had to become non-negotiable about what I wanted for my career.

I had to release habits and people that were toxic for my career growth.

I had to stop blaming the negativity from supervisors as the reason I wasn’t promoted.

I had to let go of the family members, friends, and circles of influence who wanted me to be content with where I was in my career.

I knew God created me for greater, and a shift needed to occur.

But how was I going to make these shifts to achieve the career success I desired? I realized that it was time for me to let go of the F.E.A.R. that was keeping me stuck.

Define F.E.A.R.

Although I knew the steps to achieve my next career move, I had to remove the doubt, imposter syndrome, anxiety, worry, concern, and suspicion that was constantly reminding me to stay unhappy and unfulfilled. Removing those feelings was not easy, and it did not occur quickly; however, the process of defining F.E.A.R. gave me the strength to overcome being stuck in my career and it can help you as well. Let’s define F.E.A.R.


Forget every lie that feeds self-doubt and imposter syndrome to achieve your goals. The Bible tells us that the devil has one job, and that is to steal, kill, and destroy. The lies that have been said to you and about you, are only to steal, kill, and destroy your dreams, desires, and future. You must affirm yourself of who you are (e.g., smart, deserving, and enough) believing that you are not what has been said to you.


Everything (e.g., negativity, setbacks, disappointments, and hurt) you went through was to strengthen your character, courage, and confidence. Its purpose was to strengthen who you are for the future.


You will not be able to do this alone AND you cannot bring everyone with you on the next chapter of your career. There are some people you will need to separate from. You will need to re-evaluate who you are around and decide on your new surroundings. You can do this by gaining a mentor(s), coach(es), and other trusted individuals to keep you accountable for achieving your goals.


You can’t continue to run from your dreams. When you run, you become tired, lose direction, and miss your blessings, victory, freedom, and joy. Will you continue to run from where you are supposed to go?

I ran from my career goals and dreams for years and wasted much time playing catch up. Don’t run from what you are called to do in your career based on someone’s perception or thought of you!

As an aspiring leader in your career and/or industry, I encourage you to define your F.E.A.R. so that you can overcome the stillness of your career. And, once you can define F.E.A.R. you are able to gain the power to pursue your career.

woman writing on her notebook
Photo by RF._.studio on Pexels.com

The Ability to R.I.S.E.

To gain the power to pursue your career, you must have the ability to R.I.S.E. (Respond Intentionally by Serving in Excellence). This process seemed impossible for me, but when I took the time to gain clarity on what I wanted in my career (to be a Career Development Professional) and where I wanted to be in the next three to five years (be a Career/People Developer for an IT Firm in the Washington, DC Area), I had the power inside of me all along. Let’s define how to R.I.S.E.

R – Respond

You must accept that your Career goals and dreams exist and respond to them. Responding can include:

  • Making the commitment to yourself and God that you will achieve the Dream
  • Attach yourself to accountability
  • Invest in yourself, professionally and personally

I – Intentionally

Everyone will not understand your response to achieving your career goals and dreams, but you must be intentional about pursuing them You hold the power to RISE!

You must be intentional to:

  • Dedicate time to achieving your small, medium, and large career goals
  • Create a workspace that allows you to achieve your goals
  • Be organized with your goals

S – Serving

Actively pursuing your career goals and dreams will serve the people to whom you are attached. Your actions will serve as a representation for children and young adults to follow in your career footsteps. Serving can include the following:

  • 1. Get involved in your local community to share your career story to inspire others
  • Accept volunteer experiences to serve others to gain experience and assist projects that are not funded

It took me years to understand that my career is one of service. I am only a vessel who is needed to help, heal, and direct people to pursue the career they have been destined to follow.

E – Excellence

When you overcome F.E.A.R. to accept, acknowledge, and serve in your career, do so in excellence. Provide exceptional service in your career.

Although you may have setbacks, disappointments, and experienced hurt in your career, it cannot stop you from pursuing and receiving happiness and fulfillment. If you are ready to let go of F.E.A.R to gain the ability to use your power to R.I.S.E., I invite you to join me in The Leader Within – A Career & Personal Development Coaching Program for Working Moms. In this 9-month program, you will learn how to do the following:

– Lead others to be successful in your career and next positions

– Increase your business acumen to be a better leader in your organization

– Understand your leadership style

– Be confident in your strengths and weaknesses so you can lead projects, tasks, and teams

– Gain the ability to identify what’s holding you back, and create a plan to be unstuck

If you are a working mom who desires to go let go of F.E.A.R and gain the ability to R.I.S.E. in your career ladder and your next desired step is in a leadership position, schedule a virtual coffee chat to learn more about this program and how you can register to participate at https://bit.ly/3E8DQ9w .

Latika Vines
Latika Vines

As a Career Development Strategist, Coach, Author, & Podcast Host, Latika Vines empowers working mothers, in male-dominated industries, to lead and grow in their Careers while strengthening Organizations to retain them. Latika is a firm believer that everyone has a life, career, and/or business vision, and although that vision can get blurry and put on the back burner at times it must be picked back up and turned into an initiative (ACTION)! Learn more about Latika and her initiatives at www.visionary-initiatives.com.
