Dear Daughters – A Mother’s Love Never Dies

Dear Daughters – A Mother’s Love Never Dies

Torri Aanyai’ (11 years old) and Iolani Ajin-unsu (10-months), I’m not sure what I did to deserve two melanin beauties like you, but I thank God every day. Motherhood didn’t…

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Dear Mom – You are the backbone of my family

Dear Mom – You are the backbone of my family

Mom, writing you this letter would never amount to being enough when it comes to my love for you. You have been there for me since day one.  It’s just…

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Dear Mom – I adore you, I respect you, I honor you, and I love you!

Dear Mom – I adore you, I respect you, I honor you, and I love you!

I am writing to the world about you today simply to share with them a little about the special woman you have been since I have known you for 51…

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“Dear Woman” Exhale your past and inhale your future – BE EXTRAORDINARY!

“Dear Woman” Exhale your past and inhale your future – BE EXTRAORDINARY!

Join Soigne’+Swank Magazine’s “Dear Woman” campaign to share an open love letter to women, a story of feministic triumph, a poem dedicated to your SHEro, or a special quote to…

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