Does adversity make you stronger? Scientists say not always

man in a gray suit standing on a street imaging success and us flag in background

There’s an old saying that adversity makes you stronger. Real life shows that’s not always true, but the adage highlights

The post Does adversity make you stronger? Scientists say not always first appeared on The Black Detour.

Lynnecia S. Eley
Lynnecia S. Eley

Lynnecia S. Eley is Founder & Managing Editor of Soigne’ + Swank Magazine. She is a career-driven entrepreneur, wife, and mother. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, she is an award-winning University Assistant Dean and Adjunct Professor committed to excellence, dedication, and caring for others. Known as the Confidence Doula, Lynnecia is a best-selling & award-winning author and coach, a founder of Two Queens Media and Eta Rho Sigma Sorority, Inc. You can learn more about Lynnecia and her platforms at

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