Meet Dr. Karwanna D, Owner of She’s Got Goals, LLC. Best known for her in-demand latest book ‘Don’t Duck the Government, They’ve Got Your Money’. Her 5-Day Challenge helps business owners get pre-qualified to sell to the government which is a great entry point into government contracts.
The knowledge that Government Contracts Strategist, Dr. Karwanna D, provides allows ordinary people to become millionaires. Dr. Karwanna has helped over 300+ business owners generate in excess of $4 million and grow in revenues and she’s still making history.
After 20-plus years in business and over 7 years in coaching entrepreneurs how to grow lucrative businesses and create generational wealth by leveraging government contracts Dr. Karwanna D has now also created Dream Achiever University, a business college designed to help more people generate massive wealth for their families.
Congratulations on making history during International Black Women’s History Month! Please tell us all about your latest achievement in launching Dream Achiever University School of Business.
Dr. Karwanna: So I’m proud to announce that after 20-plus years in business and over 7 years in coaching entrepreneurs how to grow lucrative businesses and create generational wealth by leveraging government contracts we have now also created Dream Achiever Business College University.
We’re currently building out all the programming, but this is where you will learn about business principles, and business success secrets how to really grow and thrive in business in a short amount of time vs over 5+ years like you learn traditionally.
Dream Achiever University is an accredited school and in all of our courses, trainings, and coaching programs you will receive CEUs (college education units) towards degrees. So you can get a bachelor’s degree, you can get a master’s degree, you can get a Ph.D. through our program, and you can also just take a course for a certificate of completion and that will count as college units as well.
We’re still building it out and I’m not going to be the only educator on the platform. Of course, I always talk about creating wealth as a whole. One of the wealth concepts that I teach is the Wheels of Wealth and that includes turning your business into a wealth creation vehicle in which case there are 4 wheels that will get you to your destination. Those wheels include building business credit, optimizing your personal credit and leveraging tax advantage strategies, and landing premium clients like the government, which gives you cash infusions into your business.
We’ll also provide trainings and courses on things like getting grants, various types of tax-advantaged vehicles, investments that protect your income and grows it while you sleep, and so on. So this DreamAachiever University is really going to help you connect the dots between having a dream and actually achieving and living out that dream successfully.
This level of knowledge will help entrepreneurs across the nation close the wealth gaps by tapping into a level of financial literacy that actually gets results and transcends assets throughout generations.

What went into the decision to start your own accredited business college and how can prospective students apply?
Dr. Karwanna: After years of helping small business entrepreneurs tap into the lucrative government contracts that are available and helping them become 1st generation millionaires or even helping existing millionaires scale to multiple millions with these strategies, I started to identify other areas of need and where they needed even more help once they tap into new tax brackets.
Of course, there are levels to business just like there are levels in everything and one of the greatest challenges when small business owners suddenly begin to make hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars for the first time is that they don’t know how to keep it. And so this is where education on tax advantage strategies comes in. There’s always going to be a need to learn more.
And for me, I wanted to figure out how can I set myself apart from all the other noise that’s in the marketplace educating people about government contracts and what I did not see is a full-fledged college university that brings it all together and teaches overall how to create generational wealth with leveraging government contracts as a tool to help them get there.
When people start businesses they’re not necessarily starting businesses just to make money. They’re starting a business ideally because they’re looking to pass something down and you got to have something to pass down and you have to know how to protect your assets to even pass it down so that you don’t lose it. There are a lot of moving pieces and unfortunately, these are not things that you learn in school. So we actually became the solution that we wanted to see in the marketplace.
What tips can you provide prospective students to set them up for success?
Dr. Karwanna: 5 tips that I can provide students to help set them up for success, and I talk about this in my book entitled Don’t Duck The Government, They’ve Got Your Money it’s all about how you can actually make millions pitching and winning government contracts. Some of these things I also talk about and cover in my 5-day challenge that allows people to get pre-qualified for government contracts. Those tips are:
- You have to have a solid business foundation to attract premium buyers into your business like the government and even corporations.
- You have to know how to position what you’re offering so that you’re extracting the most value out of it so you can get paid top dollars for it.
- It’s important to learn how to market yourself so that you stand out in a busy and noisy marketplace. And with premium buyers, you don’t need to have marketing dollars to get their attention. You just have to have a strategy and we show you how to do that in our premium training programs.
- You must learn the importance of investing in your business to acquire the tools and knowledge you need to quickly scale your business and when you lack financial capacity you have to be willing to leverage credit and debt to get yourself out of that financial lack so that you never have decide between feeding your family and growing your business ever again. It’s a must.
- There are premium value opportunities out there that will allow you to make more money in a month than you’ve made in a year. You just have to show up and respond to those opportunities. Anyone can do this. You can do it faster with a blueprint and that’s something that our courses, trainings, and coaching program provides.
- What are some of the latest conversations you’ve been encountering around building wealth and business credit?
- Dr. Karwanna: Building business credit could be challenging for some people especially if you lack Financial capacity. It takes money to make money so when you have no money you have to learn how to leverage personal credit so that you can begin to build your business credit and begin to leverage both of these things to create generational wealth.
- There will be times when there are opportunities for you to invest in things like real estate to enable you to grow passive income. There will be opportunities for you to be able to invest in courses or coaching programs that are going to help you scale your business with the knowledge and the blueprint that you need to make more money in your business and if you don’t have business credit, if you don’t have personal credit then you have to have these things in order to get yourself into the game.
- These are tools that you can use to quickly change your circumstance and also to quickly change your tax bracket. But you have to know how to use them and use them accordingly.
- Anybody can do it, but sometimes you just need a little bit of a hand-holding so you can fully understand this game of wealth. And this brings me back to my 4 Wheels of Wealth where you have to have business credit you have to have personal credit…etc it’s all a part of creating generational wealth.
- Some of the most successful people in the world for instance the Vanderbilts and people like Warren Buffett and all those others that you know of… they’ve all leveraged other people’s money in order to get where they are at some point.
- So if you want to have similar results and you want to be building an empire and a family legacy like some of these amazing thought leaders who have come before us, you also have to do the same thing that they’ve done, which is leveraging debt to create generational wealth.
- And ultimately if you do this right you can actually live 100% free because all of your assets that is bringing you passive income could ultimately pay for all of your expenses and eventually you can live for free but you have to start somewhere.
- What can you share with us about the GovCon Success Journals? Why should business owners obtain one for themselves?
- Dr. Karwanna: So if you visit dontduckthegovernmentbook.com you’ll find a copy of my book there, but you’ll also find my GovCon Success Journal, which is a very powerful business tool that any business could use whether or not you’re going through the government contracting journey
- But specifically for those who are looking to get into government contracts, what this journal does is help you stay on track. It helps you with the daily motivation and inspiration you’ll need, but also it helps you with accountability so that you stay on track with your goals.
- It prompts you to make commitments to build relationships with agency decision-makers, attend events, network, and more.
- And you can clearly see if you’re on track or if you’re off track or if you’re hitting your goals in the time allowed or if you need to go back and revisit what your goals are and just kind of refocus and get yourself back on track.
- So it’s a very powerful journal that gives you what you need to get yourself ahead and to get results in your business.

What are some of the latest conversations you’ve been encountering around building wealth and business credit?
Dr. Karwanna: Building business credit could be challenging for some people especially if you lack Financial capacity. It takes money to make money so when you have no money you have to learn how to leverage personal credit so that you can begin to build your business credit and begin to leverage both of these things to create generational wealth.
There will be times when there are opportunities for you to invest in things like real estate to enable you to grow passive income. There will be opportunities for you to be able to invest in courses or coaching programs that are going to help you scale your business with the knowledge and the blueprint that you need to make more money in your business and if you don’t have business credit, if you don’t have personal credit then you have to have these things in order to get yourself into the game.
These are tools that you can use to quickly change your circumstance and also to quickly change your tax bracket. But you have to know how to use them and use them accordingly.
Anybody can do it, but sometimes you just need a little bit of a hand-holding so you can fully understand this game of wealth. And this brings me back to my 4 Wheels of Wealth where you have to have business credit you have to have personal credit…etc it’s all a part of creating generational wealth.
Some of the most successful people in the world for instance the Vanderbilts and people like Warren Buffett and all those others that you know of… they’ve all leveraged other people’s money in order to get where they are at some point.
So if you want to have similar results and you want to be building an empire and a family legacy like some of these amazing thought leaders who have come before us, you also have to do the same thing that they’ve done, which is leveraging debt to create generational wealth.
And ultimately if you do this right you can actually live 100% free because all of your assets that is bringing you passive income could ultimately pay for all of your expenses and eventually you can live for free but you have to start somewhere.
What can you share with us about the GovCon Success Journals? Why should business owners obtain one for themselves?
Dr. Karwanna: So if you visit dontduckthegovernmentbook.com you’ll find a copy of my book there, but you’ll also find my GovCon Success Journal, which is a very powerful business tool that any business could use whether or not you’re going through the government contracting journey
But specifically for those who are looking to get into government contracts, what this journal does is help you stay on track. It helps you with the daily motivation and inspiration you’ll need, but also it helps you with accountability so that you stay on track with your goals.
It prompts you to make commitments to build relationships with agency decision-makers, attend events, network, and more.
And you can clearly see if you’re on track or if you’re off track or if you’re hitting your goals in the time allowed or if you need to go back and revisit what your goals are and just kind of refocus and get yourself back on track.
So it’s a very powerful journal that gives you what you need to get yourself ahead and to get results in your business.
What else have you been working on as of late?
Dr. Karwanna: So in addition to my 5-day challenge where you can get pre-qualified for government contracts, we are helping people in our premium program land contracts much faster than those who are just out there trying to figure it out. And that can take years.
We are working hand in hand with entrepreneurs who are new to this space as well as those who have been stuck trying to break into this space. We’re helping them not only learn the system but to actually land contracts in record time.
It’s uncommon to get results this fast, but some of our clients are coming out trailblazing. Clients such as Remy who landed his first contract in just 3 weeks. Kim who landed her first contract in just 5 weeks and Magda who also landed her first contract in 5 weeks. And then there’s Sharita who had similar results within her first 90 days and Gloria, who landed a significant contract in just 9 months.
And these are all large multiple six-figure contracts in addition to a 1-day contract for $23,000+. They’re able to get these results because we’ve streamlined the process to get massive results for our clients.
Another thing that’s new is we’ve extended our 6-week program into a 6-month program so you’re now actually able to get more support over a longer period of time. We’re finding that some of our clients are landing contracts within their first 90 days. But our goal is to help everyone who invests in our premium program 6–10X their investment in their 1st 6–12 months.
You will never see those types of results from a bank account. Not even in real estate in most cases.
We are also introducing a pay-as-you-go option to help with affordability for those who can’t yet qualify for funding with our partners. And all of this will ultimately be available at Dream Achiever University as well. Right now it’s available through our founding company She’s Got Goals, LLC.
So there’s a lot of great things happening and we are continuing to expand the impact that we are making with small businesses nationally.
For me, I think I’m most excited that I actually did it.
I saw a gap, I saw a need, and I actually did something to solve the problem. And I talk about problem-solving all the time.
I think that one of the things that was missing in the business education system is learning about creating wealth, learning the truth about how money works, learning how business really works, and about some of the premium buyers that are out there that can help you really quickly scale to either a multi six-figure business in your first year or even to millions of dollars in your company within your first one or two years.
And so so building this University is like a dream come true for me and to know that I now have the capacity to actually walk someone through a business program where they will obtain a degree or certificate, depending on the option that they’re here to achieve that will actually get them results in life when it comes to applying the knowledge that they’ve learned and sit back and reap the benefits of actually making more money than they’ve ever dreamed of.
How can we keep up to date with all things Dream Achiever University School of Business?
Dr. Karwanna: As we continue to develop our programming we will have Dream Achiever University on all things social media you’ll be able to keep up as well on our YouTube channel which is youtube.com/KarwannaD will be making announcements and if you’re subscribed to our email list which you can do so by scheduling a free strategy session with our team at TrillionDollarGovernmentContracts.com.
You’ll also be kept up to date on where we are in building out our University as well as our call for trainers and coaches to join us as educators on our platform.
In the meantime, one of the pre-qualifications to work with us in any of our training programs is to actually go through the 5-day challenge to get your business pre-qualified because the level of knowledge that missing in the marketplace you will obtain during this challenge and it will also put you on the right track to actually creating generational wealth for your business.
Follow on social media: // Facebook: @IAMKARWANNAD
Instagram: @karwannadspeaks // Twitter: @ShesGotGoals247
Be sure to check out the TrillionDollar GovConQualifier:
Apple store link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/trilliondollar-govconqualifier/id1554897912