I boldly proclaim my black purpose.
My greatness begins with being grateful.
I am grateful for my melon skin
which melts in the sunlight’s kiss
on my kinky, poofy, Afrocentric hair.
Yes, I am grateful for my roots
because it liberates souls searching
for peace like a riverbed.
Everytime I smile, my spirit leaps
into hurting hearts.
I am grateful for courage to keep
going when the outcome is unknown.
The results reveal teaching moments.
I am grateful for my family, friends,
and all the fellowship I experience
from familiar faces.
I am grateful for my struggles,
since they make me stronger and
then, I can stand in challenges
with tenacity. Watch my greatness
grow as I am embrace being grateful.
I am grateful for my southern
upbringing, where my parents made
manners the law and now, I live
by that standard. I am so grateful.
I am grateful for my faith.
It has been the foundation of my
gratitude toward humanity.
I am grateful for my companion,
my husband, my ride or die
because he has been there
when I thought I would stop writing.
No, I could not write this poem
if he let me quit, but that is why
real love is unbreakable.
I am grateful for love.
I am grateful for breathing
and believing in better.
We all can be great. It starts with being grateful.