
Leading Maternal Wellness with Cultural and Ancestral Practices

Dr. Ana’Neicia Williams, a distinguished collective care practitioner who masterfully combines her creativity with her clinical expertise to create therapeutic spaces rooted in culture and ancestral traditions. Specializing in maternal-child and reproductive health, her advocacy work empowers individuals and communities to cultivate wellness through meaningful relationships. As the founder of Momology Maternal Wellness Club, LLC, Dr. Williams provides vision mapping and consulting services to organizations dedicated to supporting women and families. A proud three-time graduate of Spalding University, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Social Work, and a Doctor of Social Work with a specialization in Leadership and Administration. Dr. Williams continues to inspire as an adjunct professor at her alma mater while actively engaging with her community to promote healing and wellness as pathways to liberation.

What is the inspiration behind your work?

The individuals who have allowed me to hold space for them are the inspiration. The raw truths and untold stories that people disclose as they seek my support whether it’s through consulting, counseling, or coaching.

It’s been such a sacred process that has encouraged and inspired me to lean into my inner work and advocate for those who are silent or still finding the strength to fight.

Do you believe in work- life balance? If so how do you maintain it?

I do not believe in work-life balance, I believe in peace! I have learned to pay attention to my mind and body as a guide to what feels good to my nervous system. Some days and weeks I do well, others I give myself grace as I find what worked and did not.

Who is your business role model? Why?

There are so many, but if I can only choose one, it’s Sarah Jakes Roberts. I am claiming to take the stage with her one day at Woman Evolve. Not only is she a fellow Cancerian of the zodiac sign but she has many identities I relate to. Her FAITH! She is honest and truthful about who she is and where she comes from. I have followed her journey over the years and have appreciated her authenticity as she serves the Lord and others. I also appreciate how she has made her own lane even with her father being who he is. She even adds razzle to the person she is by fashionably walking with confidence.

Connect on Instagram: @thewombtherapist

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Soigne'+ Swank Staff

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