Providing exceptional cleaning services to households and communities
Maryland’s Queen Of Clean, is a company dedicated and passionate about helping others stay clean, finding solutions to make the earth a better place and providing great services. QOC services were designed to satisfy all customers at their convenience. Cleaning can be tiring, but it still has to be done — and that’s why she’s here! Meet Laquanda Washington Prophet – Maryland’s Queen of Clean.

My name is Laquanda, best known as Que. I am a mom of two beautiful girls. I have been in the cleaning industry since 2020 and I’m passionate about what I do. What sets me apart is my ability to be very detailed.
I’ve always wanted to start my own cleaning business and once the pandemic hit I felt it was the perfect time to go full throttle. After working a 9-5 most of my life, I just wanted to do something different. I felt I had what it took to start a business as well having the ability to lead others in a way that they feel valued and appreciated. Cleanliness is a form of self-respect!
Que, as a BIPOC entreprenuer, how has your cultural background and experiences influenced your approach to business? What or who inspires you to be your best self?
My cultural background has influenced me in so many ways because life is not easy for “my kind” so to be able to step out prove the world wrong says a lot. I know have what it takes to walk in my God given purpose.
When it comes to inspiration, I have to give credit to a few people that I admire and look up too. Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers, Lewis Howes, Caroline Leaf, Les Brown, Lisa Nichol. So many people that I tune into on a daily basis that help me with my mental stability and motivate me to be the best ‘me’. This translates into my business because of the self awareness it brings and to run a business you have to be in the right state of mind, dealing with so many different people on daily basis. I have a podcast app where I’m tuned in each day for each episode published. All in all, I would not be who I am without GOD. I’m thankful for the people He’s put along my path to help guide me.
At Soigne’+Swank Magazine, we make it our business to highlight and promote positive, uplifting, and meaningful examples of black excellence. What does black excellence mean to you and what advice would you share with your younger self?
Black excellence means resilience. Don’t give up on your dreams no matter the circumstances. Storms don’t last forever. In a couple of years you won’t care how long it took, you’d just be glad you never gave up! I would tell my younger self as well as an aspiring business owner to keep learning and don’t be afraid to connect with others. Ask questions, invest in yourself, network and just be unstoppable. You got this!
Tell us what’s next for you and where can readers connect with you and your services.
What’s next for me is hiring employees. I realize I can’t do it all alone, I need a good and solid team to really grow and expand my business. You can always find and connect with me on all social media platforms. As well as