An Underrated Exercise: Jumping Rope

Jumping rope along with eating a healthy diet can greatly aid in the quest to lose weight and burn excess body fat.  Jumping rope is not only a good calorie burner it is also beneficial in improving your coordination.

Before beginning your jump rope exercise you want to make sure to select a rope with the proper length in order to jump comfortably and weight to add good resistance. 

In regards to form when jumping rope, you want to focus on allowing your wrist to do the majority of the turning of the rope versus your arms in that this technique helps reduce fatigue in the shoulders and elbows which helps improve your timing. The goal is to create balance and symmetry so that both hands contribute equally to the turning of the rope.

In summary, jumping rope can be a great addition to any exercise routine no matter your level of exercise and training and is a great way to help improve your heart health, strengthen bone density, and add variety to your workout routine!

Acy Brown
Acy Brown