Why Does Representation Matter?

There are many reasons why representation matters and continues to be a source that blacks and people of color fight for. Even now, in 2022, there are stories missing — unseen and unheard stories that help us tap into and embrace our culture and traditions. Why does it matter so much? Because everyone should have successful and positive characters and images they can relate to.

Representation brings varying persectives to the table, in conversations that bridge gaps and in spaces our elders weren’t allowed. We all deserve to see ourselves as heros and it’s realistic to portray the BIPOC heros that the history books will never print. Media can sometimes misinterpret the heros our black children can relate to, so it is important and realistic to see characters and influentials who embody us. It’s teaches self love and respect. It also feels damn good to read about or see someone like YOU on TV, in the executive board room, or on the big screen.

So, I asked the question, “why does representation matter to blacks and people of color?” Here are a few of the responses I’ve received.

Lynnecia S. Eley
Lynnecia S. Eley

Lynnecia S. Eley is Founder & Managing Editor of Soigne’ + Swank Magazine. She is a career-driven entrepreneur, wife, and mother. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, she is an award-winning University Assistant Dean and Adjunct Professor committed to excellence, dedication, and caring for others. Known as the Confidence Doula, Lynnecia is a best-selling & award-winning author and coach, a founder of Two Queens Media and Eta Rho Sigma Sorority, Inc. You can learn more about Lynnecia and her platforms at www.shecaninspire.com.

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