Dear Daughters – A Mother’s Love Never Dies

Torri Aanyai’ (11 years old) and Iolani Ajin-unsu (10-months), I’m not sure what I did to deserve two melanin beauties like you, but I thank God every day. Motherhood didn’t come with any instructions, however, being that I lost my mother at such a young age, I knew what I was missing and what I needed. When God blessed me, OH Girls he outdid himself. I promised that I would pour into my babies because I know what it feels like to need and want a mother’s love. In my eyes, you’re both perfect. So here’s my love letter to you.

Torri Aanyai’

I love you two from the pit of soul and always beyond life itself. I will always cherish every moment and memory spent with you too. Live babies like tomorrow is your last day here on earth. Explore this life and smile often. Love yourself beyond words and again smile, because your happiness lives within you. Always be honest with yourself and live in your truth. You were brought into this world out of love and kindness, be sure while on your journey to love and show kindness to others, but be cautious. You deserve more than words, so always believe people’s actions first. Girls don’t you dare settle for his dreams, go after yours too. Go get your education, start that business, and go after every goal you set for yourself, even if that means taking small steps. Always be a student first, and take that knowledge back home, and teach your family. Everyone won’t accept and value your thoughts, your hopes, and your dreams, and that’s okay because you know your worth. Sometimes you have to let them go without hesitation. My sweet baby’s TRUST is never given, it’s always earned. Girls are never loud, but always well-spoken, well dressed with confidence, and secured with what they bring to the table.

Iolani Ajin-unsu

Remember this, Silence is a killer, and curiosity always kills the cat (MAKE THEM REMEMBER YOUR NAME). Know that your health is your wealth. Your personalities, intelligence, and beauty alone are just a few of the many reasons you’re goddesses. You both are a piece of my me and that alone makes you a royal princess. Oh, but one day you will be a QUEEN. Who you both will become and what you both will contribute to this world will change many lives. I love you both and know no matter when you read this letter I’LL LOVE YOU FOREVER because a mother’s love never dies.

Your Mother,
Trenice J. Brinkley

TJ Brinkley
TJ Brinkley

Dr. Trenice J. Brinkley is a distinguished educator, renowned publicist, and successful entrepreneur. She is celebrated for her unwavering work ethic, strong determination, and philanthropic spirit. As an award-winning celebrity publicist, Dr. Brinkley excels in helping brands create compelling narratives, develop innovative strategies, and achieve greater visibility.