
Shape Your Mindset to Achieve Career Growth

Napoleon Hill said, “there are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.” I believe Mr. Hill was teaching us we control what we place in our minds when it comes to our career success. If we think about it and believe it, we will achieve it. But, if we are not thinking or believing in that success, we won’t achieve it. Do you agree?

In this season of new beginnings, I want to encourage you to believe that you can achieve the career growth you desire. I believe that success comes when we allow our mind to say it – if you think and believe in success, you will achieve success.

Have you watched Wanda Vision on Amazon Prime Video? If you are a Marvel fan, you will love Wanda Vision. Her mindset was controlled by her grief – her experience of grief. She lost her parents, her brother, and Vision (the love of her life). And, due to her grief, her mind built a fictional life where she was a mother of twin boys, was married to Vision, had her brother come to visit from out of town, and controlled the people of Westview. And she lived her life based on what was in her mind – her vision.

The same is true with us. We will live our life based on what is in our minds. And, if we aren’t careful, what’s in our minds can prevent or add to our career growth. We must have the right mindset for us to grow – which is the reason why we must shape our mindset to experience that growth.

How do you shape your mindset? Let’s identify what it means to be able to understand how you can do so.

Shape Your Mindset

The dictionary defines shape as an external form, contours, or outline of someone or something (a boundary). Think about the people, life experiences, etc… you have experienced or been influenced by that have formed how you think and believe in people, places, or situations. When we are around those who don’t aspire for more and aren’t willing to do more to achieve success, we carry the same emotion and don’t do more; thus, we are forming or shaping ourselves to not achieve success. Below are three tips to help you shape your mindset:

  • Be intentional about what you are listening to and reading daily – Identify what you are allowing your mind to accept for your career. This can include changing (or leveling up) the music, podcasts, youtube videos, books, or sermons you listen or read.
  • Surround yourself with those who can have a positive impact on your career – Determine who inspires you to progress in your career. Ask yourself, are they inviting you to network events? Are they sharing your resume with their colleagues? Do you have a trusted leader who can advise you on career progression? Who can mentor you? Are they giving you strategies to create a plan to achieve your success?
  • Motivate yourself with what you believe in – This is your season to believe that you can do the impossible. You have to believe in your abilities and that you are extraordinary. You must believe that you are able to achieve the success you desire. Of course, faith without works is dead, but you must believe first before you are able to get the work done; before you have the desire to get the work done – you must believe in it first. Are you dreaming bigger?
  • Today is a gentle reminder that it is possible to shape your mindset, by shaping how you think, whom you allow to influence your thinking, and what you believe.
  • To learn how you can shape your mindset for career growth, visit www.visionary-initiatives.com.
Latika Vines
Latika Vines

As a Career Development Strategist, Coach, Author, & Podcast Host, Latika Vines empowers working mothers, in male-dominated industries, to lead and grow in their Careers while strengthening Organizations to retain them. Latika is a firm believer that everyone has a life, career, and/or business vision, and although that vision can get blurry and put on the back burner at times it must be picked back up and turned into an initiative (ACTION)! Learn more about Latika and her initiatives at www.visionary-initiatives.com.
