Celebrating Women’s History Month 2021

Dear Black Woman,

Where do I start? You’ve taken care of an entire race of people. You’ve sacrificed so much for us, and still, you continue to take care of us. You’ve shown us the way even when you didn’t know how your faith carried us anyway. We have inflicted pain on our own women, and for that I am sorry. We are not perfect and yet you still believe in us. You’ve loved us with your whole heart and honor us regardless of how other cultures have made us look. You’ve carried and given life so that we may continue to rise as people. You’re beautiful and a constant reminder that there is no us without you. We dedicate this entire issue to you.

Thank you and we love you Black Woman!


Anonymous Black Man

Lynnecia S. Eley
Lynnecia S. Eley

Lynnecia S. Eley is Founder & Managing Editor of Soigne’ + Swank Magazine. She is a career-driven entrepreneur, wife, and mother. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, she is an award-winning University Assistant Dean and Adjunct Professor committed to excellence, dedication, and caring for others. Known as the Confidence Doula, Lynnecia is a best-selling & award-winning author and coach, a founder of Two Queens Media and Eta Rho Sigma Sorority, Inc. You can learn more about Lynnecia and her platforms at www.shecaninspire.com.

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